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*The Apple-a-Day contest has come to a close!*


Send us a direct message through one of the three social networks with as many apple names as you saw. The first place contestant on each platform (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) gets a signed book, an Apple Print Poster, and other goodies! . You have one week to get your answers entered - November 7th, 2018. Happy fall!




For our #appleaday contest, we will be posting an illustration of apples that appear in Botanical Shakespeare along with an accompanying quote. That's OUR job. YOUR job is to write in at the end with how many named apples you've seen posted and heard mentioned in the quotes we have put up.


Here's how you play:

Check our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed for the post each day.

Then, keep track of all the apples named. At the end, send us a direct message through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with your answers. The first three contestants to name them all, or the three that come the closest, will be our contest winners. 


While we will be picking a winner from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can't, unfortunately, be counted as a winner on more than one platform. Share the bounty!


Here's what you'll win:

Each winner will receive a copy of Botanical Shakespeare, a unique print

of the original apple page... and a special surprise!



Happy hunting!


#appleaday #contest #shakespeare

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