Planting Information for:
Henry VIII
ACORN – Quercus spp.
Acorns are woody, hard, or leathery nuts (fruits) of oak trees, each containing a single seed. On the trees they are borne in small cup-like structures – hence acorn-cups. Zones 4 – 10. When ripe in autumn, acorns drop to the ground. Some germinate to become seedling oak trees that take many years to mature up to150 ft. Important food for squirrels & other wildlife, & if treated to remove tannins, are edible for people.
APPLES – Malus spp. including crab apples, cider apples
This popular fruit grows on trees best cultivated in well-drained fertile soils in full sun. Zones 3 – 8. Height 10 – 25 ft.. or more. Their pink-and-white spring blossoms are pollinated by bees; fruit sets within a few days. Countless varieties; most ripen in late summer and fall. Apples have been cultivated for over 4000 years.
BAYS – Laurus nobilis. Sweet bay, bay laurel
Mediterranean sweet bay is evergreen, grown for its aromatic, flavorful foliage for herbal and culinary use. Zones 8 – 11. Grows 10 – 30 ft. tall. Grow outdoors in moist, organically rich soil in full sun to part shade; in cold winter regions, grow in containers with good drainage, and move outdoors to a shady spot in summer. Trim to maintain shape & size in spring & summer; in gardens, usually kept at about 8 ft. tall.
CEDAR – Cedrus spp. Atlas cedar, Deodar cedar, cedar of Lebanon
Evergreen trees with needlelike leaves and woody female cones. Zones 5 – 9. Grows 50 – 130-ft. tall. They are medium- to fast-growing trees, excellent as windbreaks. Find a spot with plenty of vertical & horizontal space; avoid overhead wires, etc., as cedars have wide-ranging roots. Select a full sun or part shade location with free-draining, fertile, neutral soil. Container-grown plants are best. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball, tease & spread out the roots, then backfill, tamp, & water well. Soil level should be at the tree collar; insert a stake for support.
CORN (WHEAT) – Triticum aestivum, common wheat, and other species
Types of annual grass, 2 – 4 ft. tall, grown for their high carbohydrate seeds (grain) consumed as a staple cereal and ground for flour worldwide. Zones 7 – 10. Threshing separates seeds from chaff. Thrives in full sun in average well-drained soil. Winter wheat is sown 6 – 8 weeks prior to the ground freezing & is harvested the following summer. Spring wheat is sown as soon as the soil is workable in early spring for harvesting in mid-late summer.
CRAB-TREE (-APPLE) – Malus spp. Crabapples
Most varieties grow less than 20 ft. This rounded tree prefers well-drained fertile soils in full sun. Dig a deep hole for the root ball and double its width. After planting, backfill & tamp soil to firm; water thoroughly. Pink-and-white spring blossoms are pollinated by bees. Countless varieties; most ripen fruit in late summer & fall. A valuable pollinator for other apple crops; all apples originated form grafting of crab-apples. Prune in late winter to remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches, & shape.
LILY – Lilium spp.
With about 100 species, countless hybrids and cultivars, lilies are popular for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers. Zones 3 – 8. Grows 1.5 – 10 ft. Scaly bulbs produce stems topped with solitary, or clusters of flowers in multiple colors. Most thrive in full sun, some are woodlanders; well-drained highly organic soil. Plant bulbs in fall, about 3x their height. To propagate detach bulb scales, harvest stem bulbils, or start seed with protection.
PALM – Rhapis, Cycas, Cocos and many other genera
Many genera & thousands of species are commonly known as palms, including date palms, coconut palms, fan palms, and sago palms. Zones 13 – 15. Most are native of tropical areas in well-drained, humus-rich soil. They may be tree-like, stemless plants, or climbers, or shrubs. Foliage is arranged in fanlike or feathery fronds. Most palm grow 35 – 50 ft. tall according to type.
VINE (usu. Grapevine in Shakespeare)
A vine is a plant that has long, usually slender stems that need support to climb or will trail along the ground. Grapevine Vitis spp. Zones 3 – 10. 5 – 20 ft. Select a sheltered spot in full sun. Soak bare root plants overnight before planting. Dig a large, deep hole to accommodate the spreading roots, the lowest stem bud just above soil level. Backfill, tamp and water well. Replant containerized vines in larger receptacles. Prune out all but the strongest cane (stem). Flowers followed by fruit in summer. Prune annually when dormant. Provide a structure to support the vines.